Brynlyn and her family wishes you a Happy Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Month!
These are the latest pictures of her taken on (2-16) Friday before her DR appointment. She finally graduated to 9 month clothes and this was the first outfit she was able to wear. Wahoo! She looks pretty big in this picture (and in comparison to where she came from) she is getting bigger. She now weighs almost 16 pounds. She just had a big growth spurt so we're so excited about that. She's doing well and currently only fighting a yeast infection and thrush (both are extremely common for her.) But atleast she doesn't have any cold or congestion. We are grateful for good health whenever we can get it. Anyway, our little Sweetheart wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day and CHD Awareness Day!
She looks so healthy and chubby! How old is she now?
Dear cousin Brynlyn...out of all the blogs we look at each day, yours is the oldest and needs some updating! (hint hint!) We'd love to see more of you and your family on here. How are you feeling?
Love, the Haroldsen cousins
amen - we need an update.
I also check Miss Brynlyn's blog everyday. I think she needs to get with it and start writing. It is now March and not CHD month anymore, Brynlyn is going to confuse people.
I hope your family has a fabulous spring break.
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