I'm just reminscing here...These are the very first pictures taken of Brynlyn, about 8 hours after she was born at Banner Mesa Hospital (just look at her perfect chest). She got to hang out in their Special Care Nursery while I got to hang out in my room working on my body's recovery. At this point, we absolutely had NO idea anything was majorly wrong. She looked so perfect and healthy! We still did not know what DiGeorge Syndrome/Anomaly was and I could never had pronounced Tetraology of Fallot. In this picture of us by her bedside, we didn't know that our lives were about to change forever and ever. And they would never be the same. But talk about a surreal experience, having your baby almost immediately wheeled out of your room and not being brought back. Now I digress, but I was actually wondering about girls that give their babies up for adoption immediately after they're born. I have a newfound respect for these very, very special girls because not holding and hugging and having that baby by me immediately after childbirth was the most empty feeling I have ever had in my life. To all of a sudden feel life in you, have that life delivered, and then taken from you. Whoa. It was crazy. Now our family and many, many dear friends whom we love have been blessed with children through adoption. And I just think that there is a special place in heaven for the women who overlook their own life long pain of giving that baby away to another family whom they have never met, wondering most of their lives how that baby is doing, and never knowing. Wow, I have the utmost respect for them. Okay, going back to my inital reason for posting here. The following is a beautiful poem that I read from another CHD baby, Inarah's, blog that brought tears into my eyes (alright, who am I kidding? Truth be told, I bawled my eyes out like a baby!) I just loved the accuracy in the description of the emotions and I just had to share it with you.
Somewhere...someplace... today...
A family is waiting to hear...
Is something wrong with their baby?
The answers aren't quite clear...
This family has entered an unwanted world...
And they just don't know what to expect...
Somewhere...someplace... today
They first heard the words: heart defect.
And how they hoped this was not true...
And thought... this cannot be...I too...
know just how this feels...
For one day...this was me.
And how they hoped this was not true...
And thought... this cannot be...I too...
know just how this feels...For one day...this was me.
A man and a woman embrace...
Their baby is in surgery...
They long to see her face...They haven't got to hold her yet...
Without...a cord or line...They pace the room awaiting news...
And hope she'll be just fine.
Prayers fill this busy waiting room...
And mom and dad are scared...
The tiniest hearts are repaired.
A child's growing fast...Smiling,laughing,thriving...
His mom thinks...can this last?
It's almost easy...to forget...
That anything is wrong...
Her child seems so strong.
Somewhere...someplace... today...
A little boy fights...just to live
A father holds his tiny hand...His love...all he can give...
The doctor's are all baffled...
They fear that he might die...
A family says goodbye...
Somewhere...someplace...each year..
More than 40,000 families will see...What it means...
when something's wrong...They'll face a CHD.
Today...for just a moment...
Make time to tell someone you know...
"I've been changed by a heart defect".
Author - Stephanie Husted
Tonight, please say an extra prayer for strength, courage, hope, and faith for the CHD babies and families of this world.