Friday, April 27, 2007

CHD Heart Book

We received a copy of “It’s My Heart” in the mail a little while back. This is a free hardbound book from an organization called The Children’s Heart Foundation. It is a great resource for parents of kids who have a CHD. It is also a great way to share info about your child’s defect with friends and family. It covers normal heart anatomy and function and has descriptions of all the different types of CHDs. It also explains the different types of acquired heart conditions (i.e. endocarditis). It explains the diagnostic tests, medical equipment, corrective surgeries and medications. There are sections which discuss lifestyle issues and concerns for both children and adults born with CHDs. Plus, there is a chapter on hospitalization with lots of tips on preparation for CHD patients of all ages.

Great book. I suggest you request yours today.

The Children’s Heart Foundation

“It’s My Heart” Book

1 comment:

Andrea said...

We have this book too. Although our particular defect, interrupted aortic arch is not listed, it is helpful for friends and family who are not in the heart community. It is nice to meet your family. All your girls are beautiful! Our family wishes you the best in the upcoming busy month of May.

chd, children, heart, defect
CHD Awareness site
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