Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Photo shoots, doctors, and speeches...oh my!!!

This has been another busy couple of week for our little superstar.

Nov 29th, Brynlyn and I were invited to be a part of a photo shoot down near St. Joseph's Hospital. They are redoing some of their billboards for a new heart campaign and they wanted Brynlyn on their billboard! Yeah! So Mike and I went down with her to have our picture taken with her. There will be an adolescent boy, heart patient, also on the billboard along with a woman who is a heart patient. They billboard will be at Central and Thomas. They will probably put the billboard up in mid to late March and it should run for about 6 months. SO...we were very honored to be asked and it was so much fun to go and be invovled in this photo shoot. We'll keep you guys posted as to when it's going to be put up, etc. We were thinking that the timing might be perfect if Brynlyn goes back in for surgery in March.

Nov 30th, she had her 4 month pediatrican visit and got another Synagis shot with some other immunization shots. Yikes, those really aren't any fun at all. You'd think after 4 kids I would be used to shot days. Nope, they still hurt just as much as they always have. The shots really throw Brynlyn and it takes her about 2 days to recover, poor thing.

Dec 6th, I was called up on Tuesday the 5th and asked to fill a guest speaker spot at a Heart Walk Kick off Luncheon down at the hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 6th. I was really nervous as I was preparing my remarks, but if there's anything that Thornocks can do, it is to TALK!!! We were all born with the gift of gab. ha ha So I wasn't nervous per se about the speech itself or the delivery. I just wanted to make sure I made an impact on these committees so that they would be inspired to go out and do fundraisers and raise money for the heart program at the hospital. They loved seeing Brynlyn and just oohed and ahhed over here when we introduced her to them following my speech. She was certainly the hit of the luncheon for sure! The photos above were taken following the luncheon at our house. (Check out Brynlyn's darling designer denim dress. Thank you to Angie Cook who went shopping for Brynlyn in NYC at H&M. Love it and we were so glad for an opportunity to show it off!!)

I felt the speech went very well and was very pleased with the outcome. They were quite receptive and it turned out to be such an enjoyable experience. I'm grateful for the chance I had to go down and thank them for the work they had already done and would continue to do.

Dec 7th, back to Dr. Stock, cardiologist, for EKG and follow up appt. He says her heart looks great and he doesn't need to see her again until mid January.

Whew...time to take a nap...ha ha

1 comment:

Amie said...

By the way, your Christmas card picture came out so well! You're a bunch of great lookin' girls! (Mike's lucky to have you all)

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